Thursday, September 24, 2009

Race Report: Kirkland Carillon Point Sprint Triathlon 9/20/09

First things first: I had a blast. I'm hooked. I want to do more of these. The swim was fun (maybe because I stayed out of the scrum and on the side), it was over before I knew it. The bike was fun, lots of hills both up and down, again, felt pretty quick. And the run was....OK the run sucked for the first mile, but it got better after that and I started to feel pretty fast by the end.

I'm excited to do more triathlons In all three events, I definitely felt like I was just getting going when it was time to switch.

And about those transitions:  I have a long way to go. They seem so simple until you're actually in the middle of them. Mine were like two slow motion train wrecks. I pretty much did everything wrong, which is sad, because transitions are an opportunity to be smart, not fast, and while I'm not extremely fast, I thought I was smart enough to figure out how to get out of a wetsuit or change shoes quickly. Guess not!  If I were to match my T1 and T2 times to the average times in both, I would have moved up to 30th, which is kind of incredible considering that the only time I was under 30th was in the bike.

Some Data:
  • 35th overall out of 83 at 1:24:29
  • 35th out of the swim at 15:29, 1:46/100 yards
  • 79th fastest t1 time at 4:36 (fastest was 1:17, median was 3 minutes)
  • 29th fastest bike at 39:42 or 18.1 mph
  • 61st fastest t2 time at 2:24 (fastest was 53 seconds, median was 1:52)
  • 34th fastest run at 22:18 or 7:25 minute miles