Saturday, December 24, 2011

one week back

Well, one week back from India, and I think my heart rate monitor is on the fritz. The HR readings are very high for the way I feel -- as in I don't feel as bad as my heart rate is telling me I should feel. Now, I'm out of shape after a month of sitting on my ass and eating really good food. But I would think that would mean that I would feel terrible while running, and I just feel slightly not so good, not terrible, not even close.

As far as diet -- Good God, Man, it's Christmas. My personal kryptonite, sugar cookies, surround me at every turn. Even my killer Paleo beef stew pales in taste when compared to an amazing sugar cookie or two. Plus, I like beer. Not terrible amounts. I had a pint the other night, a bottle the one before. So....not much happening on the weight loss count. I think I need to up the amount of exercise by biking into work. I'll set that up next week by getting a locker so I can shower up there.

Off to NM today -- taking the bus to the train to the airport. I fully expect tomorrow -- XMas -- to be all about good food. And possibly good scotch. At this point, I have to state my core belief -- life is too short to be miserable. So I'll go ahead and indulge slightly, and run it off the next day.

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