Sunday, June 12, 2011

Training Summary 5/23 - 5/29

Sheesh. I had a good training week last week, but right now I'm feeling like a roly poly tub of goo. Not sure why, other than the fact that I've been eating like a pig. After a good weekend of riding, I took the day off Monday, and got into the pool Tuesday.


2000 yds total.
swam 5x150 with the fistgloves.
then the 50-250 freestyle progression w/50 breastroke breaks
finally 250 warmdown.

The fistglove sets are really working. Today I noticed that my right elbow tends to drop when I rotate to breathe on my left side. Also, I dropped my head lower, and my hips floated up to the top. It was _easy_. Man, I could seriously work on this for the rest of my life. I have a feeling I'm just breaking through, but I've actually said that before!


14x30x30, 5.97 mi, 53:54:45, 9:02/mi avg HR = 151
yeah. woke up late, after a 3AM toss'n'turn thinking about work shit. So instead of the track, I did the 14x30x30 set. It fucking hurt, which is good. Then I went to work, and got tossed in a bucket of shit. Someone accused me of doing something underhanded, which I had nothing to do with, and I fucking blew my stack, and almost quit. That wouldn't have been a good move. I actually like my job, minus the politics and the bullshit.


7 miles, 8:46/mi pace, 992 feet climbing. Avg HR = 150
Standard north end loop. Kept pace sub 9 after the first mile, crept above 9 on the steep climb. Solid effort on the hills.


felt blecch. I had some snot that could have held the tiles on the space shuttle. So I kicked it for a day.


4 mi easy run, upper body weights. Still blowing out superglue. Ran easy 4 with Shadow, then did standard upper body stuff. This weekend is a long one, so I'll get in a long hard ride tomorrow, a shorter easier ride Monday.


36 mile ride to issaquah, 2:15. Still feeling kind of blah, but pulled it together for the ride. Didn't end up going up cougar mtn, due to late start. However, any time in the saddle is good time in the saddle.

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