Monday, July 4, 2011

Training Summary 6/27 - 7/5

After the big weekend, I was cooked. I slept in on Monday, Swam on Tuesday, and went to the airport on Wednesday, to fly to Corrales and meet up with Lopa, kids, Mom, Mira, and Zakir for 6 days over the 4th of July.

I didn't bring swim gear, just my running shoes. Running at 5000 feet in 80-90 degrees is a big shift from the usual cool/cloudy sea level runs I've been doing. I always felt dehydrated and sluggish when starting the runs, and only started to feel normal about 2 miles into them.

Ended up focusing less on speed and more on kinesthetics. How are my feet landing? Am I leaning forward? How is my cadence? The kind of stuff that never gets old, because it's so damn hard to get right.


Swam for a while. Felt kind of blecch, like I was getting sick. A lot of phlegm, and goggles were fogging up. Plus, the pool was overheated. Leading to an overall feeling of claustrophobia.


3 mile shuffle on the ditch path. Avg 10:12 min/mile. This. Really. Felt. Like. Running. In. Syrup. However, its always good to be home, even if I can't run in the Bosque because of the fire danger.


4 mi, 9:01/mi. Until Mile 2, I felt like I was 80 years old. Everything hurt. Blame it on the too soft bed and the fact that Lopa doesn't open up the windows to take advantage of the cool desert air because the coyotes freak out the kids. Sheesh.


6 mi 9:46/mi. A slow distance day, with the HR alarm set @ 142, led to a slow ass run. In the heat. On the ditch. I'm just enjoying the movement without worrying about pace right now. Running on the ditch trail is not conducive to hauling ass -- the ground is cratered with horse tracks and car ruts, and the sand is like talcum powder, it flies up in the air and gets sucked down into the lungs. At the very least, going back to pristine Washington State is going to feel much easier.


7 mi, 9:45/mi. Believe it or not, this was a hard day. I ran up to Rio Rancho, then down into Corrales, then back home on the backroads, in the heat. About 780 feet gained in altitude, most of it on the climb out of Corrales on W Meadowlark lane. Then I turned north and ran along the Rio Rancho bike trail, which has some short, vicious hills in it. Then down into an arroyo and down along the bottom, enjoying the talcum powder consistency of the ground. Then along some paved roads leading back into town. By this time, it was heating up and I was thirsty.

Final stretch was all about one foot in front of the other. The heat was up, the breeze was not, and the terrain was 4 inches deep of talcum powder sand. Hard to keep it turning over, but _really_ not a good place to stop. So I chugga-chugged it in. I could tell I was low on salt b/c my pulse was trending up, sharply. I think it's time to look back into salt aupplements.


3 mi, 10:02/mi, recovery run. Late night last night, early morning this AM. Just wanted to keep it moving and work out any kinks from yesterday. A great way to wake up.

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