Tuesday, December 27, 2011

post vacation -- kids and L are almost back

Just got back from spending XMas with Mom -- much better than spending it alone in a bar, weeping over not having the kids and Lopa with me. She threw a great Xmas party. I thought that this years get together would be depressing w/o kids running around, but it was really fun and I actually got to talk to people! Spent the 26th over there, and returned late last night.

Today I expect I will be supporting 3 very grumpy, very jetlagged people. I did not know what to get for food, but I did get milk+eggs+fruit. That, coupled with bread, should get us by at least one meal. Then I'm going to make them pizza, and I'm going to also make my stew (this time, I won't cook it as fast) for next week.

The whole diet thing was derailed again by my dietary Kryptonite, sugar cookies and XMas desserts. Still, I did get in a 5 miler and a 4 miler at altitude. I also replaced my heart rate sensor battery, and saw some return to sanity with heart rate (still, much higher than usual, though).

Measurements: not sure if these are rounding errors or measurement errors, but I'm honing in on how I do this:

measurementlast weekthis week
Not significant change, but I wasn't expecting any in a week of inconsistent, sugary eating :) Right now I'm nursing a bit of a cold, but hope to run (slowly!) through it to get my legs used to some motion.

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