Sunday, June 19, 2011

Training Summary 6/13 - 6/20


started the week off feeling blah, blech, etc. Not sure what that's about, other than I haven't been sleeping lately. And I haven't been coding at all. Just writing a bunch of docs. Arrrgh. Anyways, I was supposed to ride this AM, but it was raining, so I went swimming instead.

5x200 w/ fistgloves. I move slow with those things on. But boy do I feel like a Golden God when I take them off. Lesson of today: finally getting the hand drop part of the catch, and finally dropping my head enough to keep my legs up. Also: when I get tired, my head starts creeping back up, sending me into a spiral of thrash.

6x150: 100 free, 50 breast. Took the FGs off and got the Dinner Plate Full On Effect. Wow. Felt great. Just cruised the 100s, then floated the 50s.

100 warmdown

2000 total.


6 mi, ~52 minutes, W Mercer out and back.
Had big plans to ride this AM, then last night changed to do track work, but was really, really tired. Sense a theme here? I had to have a frank, open, honest conversation with myself about what was going on.

"why am I so tired?"
"it's not like I'm sore, I'm just....tired"
"I don't even want to get out of bed!"
"too f*cking early"

Wait. That's not a conversation, that's just fucking whining. After about 30 minutes of this, while lying in bed, I decided that I was most definitely not excited about getting out of bed, and started on a plan B. The Plan B: run for an hour, don't worry about maintaining a pace. It's about time for a easy week, at least my body and mind are telling me that.

Once I made the decision to not push it, I immediately felt better. I think I'm learning to trust my body on these kinds of mornings. Not sure if I'll ever get out of bed completely stoked to hurt, but at least I was able to get out of bed and get on the road.

Started off running S-L-O-W up the hill, but soon picked up the cadence and was chugging along at 9:30 up the steep part. Then hit the flats and dropped to 8:15 or so. Hit the turnaround, and dropped it to ~ 8 minute miles, HR was running about 160-165, which is ok since the run after the turnaround is mostly uphill rollers. Then chilled on the steep downhill, and brought it home on the final stretch.



6x400, 2x200. Avged between 5:30 and 6:00 /mile on the quarters. The last 3 were hard. Avged between 4:00 and 4:30 on the 200s. Both were also hard. It would be interesting to see how an 800 went if I go out at 6:00 miles. I think the next speedwork session is going to have some 800s. Specifically, where I go out at 6:00 mile and then (try!) to bring it down. Ultimate goal is to get < 2:30 for an 800. Which should be doable, after all, I was running that when I was 14. Thursday
Sleepless night, brought on by too much rich Indian Food. Next AM, rolled out a little late, and spent time in the pool adjusting my leaky new goggles (they didn't leak last time!!) with FistGloves on. But it wasn't a total waste of time. I fine tuned my stroke. Realized that if I pull my arms wide in an exaggerated (for me!) hourglass, my elbow stays high and I can completely feel how much more water I'm pushing around. Of course, this was working muscles I don't have, so it was hard to keep going. But it sure feels more efficient.


Another sleepless night. Leela is not sleeping well, and when she doesn't sleep, none of us sleep :) Woke up late, too late to run, so did upper body TRX.


9-9.5 mile run. Hard to estimate b/c garmin died. Battery getting weak lately. Not sure if it's being pushed 'on' by mistake. Went out easy, came back medium hard. Didn't overly push, wanted to keep a brisk (8-8:30 on hills) pace. Ran by feel.

Sunday: 38.61 miles, 3900 feet climbing. 'Hills of Eastside' ride, with extra added bonus of descent and climb out from Holmes Pt. That road is _steep_. Felt great, after hub has been fixed, I'm riding faster. Bike is making strange noises though, need to check it out. Flying to LA tonight for meeting tomorrow. Already getting lots of last minute edits to deck, along with one "why are you going out there?" Jesus.

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