Sunday, June 12, 2011

Training Summary 6/30 - 6/5


25 mile ride around the bottom of the lake. Started out feeling tired, got into the groove, and did some good speed (22-23mph) on the flats. I'm not breathing terribly hard, but legs are tired. I think that means I need more strength than lungs at this point.


swimming. Was putting on fistgloves when they ripped. arggh. I was just getting into the whole fistgloves thing again. Anyways, did some random yardage, concentrating on rotation, head down, forearms down, etc. Lots to think about in the pool. Was still somewhat congested, which makes swimming (for me anyways) a difficult affair.


work related insomnia, I was a wreck this AM. so I kicked it and got some sleep. No matter how guilty I feel about sleeping instead of working out, I figure my body is trying to tell me something, and I'd better listen.


running, 7.84 mi, progressive tempo run, out and back. After the first two miles of climbing, kept it at < 8:30 on the rollers, closer to 8:15 most of the time. Felt good (fresh from the day off and guilty) Friday
Fistgloves broke! Arrgh. I had visions of sliding through the water, my hands reduced to tiny nubs, my forearms and biceps catching the water, my hips driving the stroke. All of which were still possible, but after the FGs ripped, I just wasn't in the mood to fake fist drills. So I did 10x100 after a 400 warmup and called it.


biking, 41.29 mi, 2:28, 16.7 mph, 3979 feet climbing.

May Valley/Issaquah with the LakeMont climb option. Felt really good today, aside from saddle sores that I think may be due to (a) old shorts and (b) front of saddle TT position. This is a hilly route, with some steep risers in the middle of rolling terrain. Legs are coming around, so is head. Felt like I could power through some lactic acid sections by rationalizing the pain away and focusing on the effort. Snapped a spoke about 3/4 of the way through the ride. Damn rear wheel.


biking. 26 miles, 2 loops around MI, computer died.
So yesterday I took my wheel in to get re-trued after the spoke break, I figured the 10+ miles on a broken spoke were not good for the overall condition of the wheel. The bike store guy calls up and tells me that the hub bearings are completely shot and the wheel barely turns. Excited, I ask whether this means that I might actually go faster on new bearings. He says yes. I let out a whoop of joy -- it's not often that outside circumstances contribute to me going slow, and I thought I was getting old and fat. Still am getting old and fat, but perhaps not at the rate previously calculated.

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