Sunday, July 24, 2011

Seafair Olympic Tri 2011


1600 Meter Swim: 29:15. Since the last one was 32:something, this was a big improvement. And I actually felt much better in the water. Blame it on bilateral breathing or something, but the swim has improved.

20 mile bike: 59:50, or 20.1 mph. Kind of slow, but the course was windy and hilly. Short leg crampage in first 2 miles, but worked through it. Definitely lacking power. Time for intervals? Yesssss.

6.2 mile run: 50:46. Aw, snap. My legs went home before the run. Actually, the 1st half of the run was ok, the second half I faded hard. Had to walk up the steeper than f*ck hill, and limped it on in from there. I'm going to need to work on long+hard intervals.

Summary: too much travelling, not enough training. More work @ lactate thresholds required to go faster in bike and run. Swim is progressing nicely, I think we can go faster, drop it into 27, 26 minute territory and that would be respectable.

Next up: Lake Meridian Oly. Should be fun. Goal is to go much faster on the bike and run, and hold the swim steady. Fingers crossed!

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