Tuesday, December 27, 2011

post vacation -- kids and L are almost back

Just got back from spending XMas with Mom -- much better than spending it alone in a bar, weeping over not having the kids and Lopa with me. She threw a great Xmas party. I thought that this years get together would be depressing w/o kids running around, but it was really fun and I actually got to talk to people! Spent the 26th over there, and returned late last night.

Today I expect I will be supporting 3 very grumpy, very jetlagged people. I did not know what to get for food, but I did get milk+eggs+fruit. That, coupled with bread, should get us by at least one meal. Then I'm going to make them pizza, and I'm going to also make my stew (this time, I won't cook it as fast) for next week.

The whole diet thing was derailed again by my dietary Kryptonite, sugar cookies and XMas desserts. Still, I did get in a 5 miler and a 4 miler at altitude. I also replaced my heart rate sensor battery, and saw some return to sanity with heart rate (still, much higher than usual, though).

Measurements: not sure if these are rounding errors or measurement errors, but I'm honing in on how I do this:

measurementlast weekthis week
Not significant change, but I wasn't expecting any in a week of inconsistent, sugary eating :) Right now I'm nursing a bit of a cold, but hope to run (slowly!) through it to get my legs used to some motion.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

one week back

Well, one week back from India, and I think my heart rate monitor is on the fritz. The HR readings are very high for the way I feel -- as in I don't feel as bad as my heart rate is telling me I should feel. Now, I'm out of shape after a month of sitting on my ass and eating really good food. But I would think that would mean that I would feel terrible while running, and I just feel slightly not so good, not terrible, not even close.

As far as diet -- Good God, Man, it's Christmas. My personal kryptonite, sugar cookies, surround me at every turn. Even my killer Paleo beef stew pales in taste when compared to an amazing sugar cookie or two. Plus, I like beer. Not terrible amounts. I had a pint the other night, a bottle the one before. So....not much happening on the weight loss count. I think I need to up the amount of exercise by biking into work. I'll set that up next week by getting a locker so I can shower up there.

Off to NM today -- taking the bus to the train to the airport. I fully expect tomorrow -- XMas -- to be all about good food. And possibly good scotch. At this point, I have to state my core belief -- life is too short to be miserable. So I'll go ahead and indulge slightly, and run it off the next day.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Run # 2, Paleo Diet, and the Universe

This morning (Tuesday) I went on the same run I did on Sunday. For some reason I felt like running hard at the end, and actually got my heart rate up to 189 -- that's pretty insanely high for me! The weird thing is that I wasn't hurting. This means I'm so out of shape I don't need to push that hard to get my HR up. Really Up. This changes my calcs of my training zones -- I'll recalc them once I get a decent measurement of resting HR.

Last night I cooked a Paleo stew, which tasted terrible at the time. I cooked enough for an army, and was really not looking forward to eating it. But, I heated it up tonight and....not bad! I forgot that stews get better with age.  

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Post India Revelation: Great Food + No Exercise = Fat + Out of Shape

Unlike other vacations, India was not about doing things, it was about seeing people, and places, and eating along the way. The food was good up North. It was good down South. It was good home cooked. It was good in restaurants. It was good on safari. The food was quite consistently amazing, and I ate every meal like it was my last. Between bouts of sitting on my ass and/or sleeping.

Consequences? I am incredibly fucking out of shape. Strangely enough, I don't actually weigh that much more at all. I'm clocking in around 172. But I went out running today on a recovery run around the house. Normally this 4 mile run is my recovery run -- done very slow to make sure I don't get over 70% max heart rate. Its a hilly run, with approximately 600 feet climbing -- my house is the high point, so the first and last mile are steep down and steep up respectively. In late spring this year, I averaged 9:55/miles @ 138 BPM average HR. Today I averaged 10:15 @ 162 BPM. Thats right, slower pace at more apparent effort. 162-138/38 = 17% more effort to go 4% slower, to be concrete about it.  BTW I normally don't hit 162 except in long intervals and races.

As a bonus for slothing around and eating like a pig,  I've got incipient man boobs and significant love handles. Jesus. The Horror. Gentle reader, part of my motivation for getting my mojo back is pure shame at having moobs + mandles.

So, I've got a long ways to go to get back to being reasonably fit.

First thing first: diet. I've been reading about the Paleo Diet for some time, after talking to a friend who tried it and loved the way it made him feel. In the end, he loved bread more, but he goes Paleo when he starts training for events.
I'm going to eat as Paleo as I can. Given that this is the week before XMas, and Santa shaped Sugar Cookies are my Kryptonite, this will be a difficult challenge.

Second: how to measure. As shown above, weight apparently doesn't matter. Shape (literally) does. I can tell I have a (much!) bigger belly right now, so I'm going to measure it among other things to see whether I'm making progress.

  • Belly: 35.5" (Good God, Man!)
  • Waist: 34" (that's a whole lot of waist...)
  • Chest: 45" (hard to tell how much of that is moobs)
  • Bicep: 14.125" (shrunken from lack of activity)
  • Quad: 23.125" (same)
I'm going to take measurements weekly, including the recovery run. Although next week is XMas at Moms house, not exactly a time and place you want to go all Spartan. The food is just too damn good! I'll bring the running shoes. If a  formerly-known-as-a-recovery-run kicks my ass this bad, doing it at 5000 feet ought to be, well, interesting. 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

On Being Happy: Part 1: Stop Being So Back-Assward!

Just got back from a trip to India, which was the first time in years that I've been 'suspended from normalcy' enough to think about the big picture. I had a lot of time to think, to read, to hang out with family and some really great people I met there. India ended up being so much better than I ever thought it could be, mainly because of the people I met there. Hmmmm. People. I didn't think I liked them that much. Could I be on to something?

Well, yes.  Here it is: Life is about enjoying and experiencing other people. Fairly obvious to most everyone else, but this is big stuff for me!

Part of this revelation may have been influenced by some of the books I picked up during the trip. The amazing thing about books is that you find the ones you need when you need them. The Happiness Advantage and The Shift have really taught me to never judge a book by the initial "self improvement for greater work efficiency" covers, because they're really about being happy more than being an efficient corporate citizen.

This isn't the place for me to give you a blow by blow account of the books. If you can read this, you can read them. So let me summarize my takeaways from both books:

  1. My quality of life is directly proportional to the quality of the relationships I have with the people around me.
  2. Those relationships are much more effective at making me happy than than the things I do -- work, athletic endeavors, etc.
  3. When I'm happy, the things I love to do tend to go much better.
  4. When things get hard, the most important step I can take is to interact with other people. Not necessarily whine about my life, but involve myself in theirs to (a) forget about myself and (b) put my problems in the right perspective.
Wow. This is not my default operational mode. Let me revisit the Arun Jacob Standard Operating Manual:
  1. I find happiness by pushing myself hard at work, at play, etc, because there is real meaning in pushing at my limits.
  2. I have relationships through the things I do. They are by-products of the things I do -- they involve people that do those things.
  3. My pursuit of happiness is largely a solitary effort. Lots of time is spent alone. Even in a group I'm focused on the activity first, the companionship second.
  4. When the going gets hard, I go it alone. I don't want to burden anyone with my issues.
This approach worked quite well in my 20s, when my friends at work were my closest friends and we set up work to enable us to do the things we loved, which gave us a lot of time to snowboard, climb, etc. Oh, and we had a lot of time and flexibility in which to live this way. I had a blast. 

When kids came long, the time and flexibility went away, and my priorities and perspectives changed radically. I love my kids, and I love spending time with them. But I can't do that and go on weekend trips with the guys. Who have all since gotten married and had kids of their own, so they wouldn't be available anyways. So I shifted to a lot of solitary exercise. Long bike rides and runs really served to ground me. And I've found that triathlons can be as fun as long climbs or epic snowboarding days.

But right now, at (almost!) 43, married, as a husband and father who works for a large corporation that does not have the same snow day policy that my friends did, I don't have the option getting happiness and relationships as by products of work or play. That is quite simply an inefficient approach that doesn't scale to my life today, because to do it right would mean I have less time to be a husband and father. And I love being a husband and a father, so scaling back on either is not an option.

I'm not throwing everything out: in fact, I have no intention of throwing anything out -- maybe I'll put some stuff on the shelf, but long runs and rides, snowboarding, surfing are still as fun as ever. This year I want to go off-road with triathlons, and get back into mountainbiking, something that I really enjoyed before kids came along. And climbing was too much a part of my soul to ever completely let go of. I know there will be a time in my life when I will have the time to get back into it. 

But I've known for some time that I have a fundamental misalignment that is preventing me from being as happy as I can be. Now I see that doing these things in pursuit of happiness is putting the cart before the horse. 

When that happens on the job, I get frustrated, start whining, and quit. I've had a journeyman career, and while part of that has been great, it's actually been caused by how I work. I tunnel into hard problems because I enjoy them, but then I over extend, completely over work, and end up feeling unappreciated for my efforts. So I move on.

When that happens in a marriage ... lets just say that my amazing wife stuck it out through some very painful times during and after my dad got sick and passed away.  My initial tendencies during that time were to retreat into myself and lock everyone else out, including her. That didn't work out so well. Now time has passed, the kids are older, we have more time to talk, and we are enjoying one another. But when I look back at that time, I cannot explain how I got my head out of my ass, other than to say that something much bigger than me was doing the pulling. 

Another example: this past year in Triathlons I lost my way, putting mileage and target pace ahead of fundamental health. I'm still paying the price for that (hello, left achilles tendon!). The tris I did last summer were not nearly as fun as the ones I did the summer before, when I had no expectations. 

So while I am slowly moving in the right direction, I've still got a long way to go to change from pursuing happiness through activities to being happy by being with and around people. 

My pursuit of happiness is selfish. It absolutely is! But when I'm happy, I have a much better chance to make other people around me happy. And, as a husband, a father, a friend, a co-worker, a human, that seems like a very unselfish thing to do.

So. Where to go from here? 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's September, and I've been slacking!

Sort of. The achilles was twingy enough to make me think twice about doing any kind of running. This week is the first week it's felt 'normal'. The back, thanks to Dr Groven, is feeling much, much better. That guy is a genius. The last time I was there, he took a jigsaw fitted with a rubber tip instead of a blade, and massaged my IT band with it. My IT band spasmed up, but the frequency of the jigsaw overwhelmed it and it ended up super-relaxing. Whenever I tell anyone that story, they look at me funny. It sounds like I'm getting tortured, but, really, I'm not!

What I have been doing: Kettlebell swings. With good form. That means pinching my shoulder blades back and keeping good posture. This has resulted in much better overall posture, and in general I feel about 10 years younger. I've been combining with squats, and TRX single leg lunges. Also been doing Pilates again, and that's been working miracles with my wrecked hamstrings and back.

In general: I forgot that being fit meant taking care of my body, as in stretching/doing rehabilitative lifting. This resulted in some mediocre results, and more importantly, it resulted in me feeling like an old man. Stretching and rehab work is key, especially if I'm going to go out and just hammer for several days in a row.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Medical Update

Turns out I need to take 3 weeks off of my achilles, and apparently my hips and si joint were all torqued up. I'm going to take the next month to rebuild, focusing on weights, swimming, and cycling when the weather is good on the weekends.

My goal is to build a base of strength and then start to put endurance on top of that core strength -- not sure how that approach can go wrong!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Lake Meridian Tri and the Object Lesson

First, the tri.
The Lake Meridian Triathlon is an awesome venue -- the lake itself is pristine, the cycling course is rolling to awesome, and the run is f*cking tough. And the people putting it on are super friendly. It's a great race. Unfortunately, I did not have a great race:
  • Swim: felt bad. questioning the effort 100 yards into the race. Tired, slogged through it.
  • Bike: felt better, but not able to really dig deeply. avg 20.4 mph, hr @ 155-160.
  • Run: felt crappy. really not able to push it. HR flatlined around 155 or so.
To summarize: I was tired and it showed. Why was I tired? Because I had pushed my mind and body past where they could bounce back via a combination of hard training and overwork. The frequent travelling didn't help, but I can't make up for that travelling by pushing hard when I'm home. I'm too old to recover from that kind of approach.

I think it's time to pull back, way back, and take an honest look at why I do these things. Placing is irrelevant, it depends on who shows up. I'm not elite and so placing just doesn't matter.

Effort is everything. If I can cross the line knowing that I went beyond what I thought I could do, then I've succeeded. I've only had that experience a couple of times this summer, most notably the Hood River weekend with Jay, where we did 90 miles on the bike the first day, 14 miles trail running the second. It was a great way to push myself further than I thought possible.

The olympic tri I did last summer -- the Lake Meridian tri -- was a breakthrough experience because I had such a positive day. I don't race a lot, and so I want every race to be a breakthrough experience, where, regardless of how I place, I cross the line fully fucking spent.

In order to do that I need to do the following:
  1. I need to be fully connected to the purpose of the race. Which is to push myself past what I thought was possible.
  2. My head needs to be fresh and capable of focusing past the pain in order to get me past my limits.
  3. My body needs to be fresh and capable of responding to the huge requests my head is making.
  4. I need to swim, bike, and run my own race, using other people as motivation, but not going head to head with them, because basically they're part of the challenge of the course.
In the last several months I've lost my way. This happens a lot with me :) I mistake the miles, the workouts, the intervals, the checkboxes, for signs of progress. I fried myself hard this time, I've got an achy achilles and a twingy back, and nothing to show for it except kind of a numb feeling when I think about the races I did this year.

I'm going to step back and redefine how I get to the place where I can have these breakthrough experiences at will. I think its going to require mental conditioning to accept discomfort, physical conditioning to maintain a greater pace over significant distances, and nutritional conditioning to make sure I'm as efficient as possible when it comes to fuel consumption and excess body weight.

The lesson of the past year is to cultivate patience, and to keep the real prize, the prize worth fighting for, worth suffering for, first and foremost in my mind. In this day and age it is possible to go from cradle to grave never knowing what you are capable of. I do these races for the same reason I spent a lot of time climbing, windsurfing, snowboarding. I want to redefine what is possible, and take myself past the limits that I've shackled myself with. To get there, everything has to line up. My head, my heart, my body, all have to want the same thing, at the same time. The goal of training is to show up on race day with everything aligned, ready to go, regardless of whether the outcome would be seen as success in anyone elses eyes.

Success is in the effort. If I leave it all in the lake, on the road, and on the trail, then I've succeeded. Anything less is a failure, even if that lesser effort leads to a high place.

8/22 - 8/27 last week before Lake Meridian Tri

Continuing the general theme of "I'm cooked" into this next week. Actually, I'm not as cooked as I was last week. But I am definitely not sticking to any kind of plan.

At practice they drilled us, which I was not expecting. While it was fun to run around with a soccer ball, it has definitely been a while, and I'm rusty. Also, I forgot soccer is a contact sport. I was going for the ball with this guy and he knocked into me and my foot came down funny. So now I have a slightly sprained ankle. Whoops.


Swim: did a progressive ladder, 50-400 yds, increasing by 50 each time, with a 50 breast break. I think that was 2300 yards total. Felt good to just move for a while. Might do the same one more time before the race. It's not like I'm going to get faster doing intervals!


bad night sleep (hot inside). I stayed home and lifted weights. Emphasis on core and legs.

Tues night I went to the Mercer Island Youth Soccer Club coaches clinic, which was really, really good. They had some amazing coaches dispensing some great drills, and basic guidelines. Afterwards we went out for beers at the Roanoke, which is a great place to unwind on a warm summer night. They drilled us pretty good. I wasn't expecting to run around with the ball, but boy do I miss soccer!


This morning (Wed) I got up and felt like I had gotten run over by a truck. It's amazing how much soccer is starting to resemble a rough night of drinking -- really fun at the time, but I pay for it the next morning. I got out on a run anyways. Started out slow, picked it up a little, decided to go hard on the steep uphill section, and wrapped it up with a good final effort up 'puke-alicious hill'. 6 miles total, I think the avg was 8:45 or so, which is OK considering the middle hill section, and that I took it easy on the first downhill, and that I felt like hell for the first 3 miles.


day off


swam 1300 yards, 500 warmup, 800 of 100 free with 50 breast


14 mile bike ride, spinning the legs, which feel tired.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

4 hour body. Really?

Color me skeptical, but intrigued. I've been reading the 4 hour body, and while I'm too old (school) to think a lot of this is possible, I do think he's got a point about minimum effective dose.

this comes after a summer of training hard, and losing perspective on why training hard should actually be having fun and just happening to train hard. That did happen a couple of times this summer, but definitely not as much as I would have wanted.

The truth is that I don't live to train, I live to have cool mental experiences while training and racing. And when I'm crispy, those mental experiences don't happen. I've always been easy to fry, mainly because life tends to wear on me a bit. This summer I've been working hard, and being a good dad and a good husband, and triathlon comes in third. It always will. So the key is to train for it in a way that doesn't stress me out, and doesn't break my body down.

My body, by the way, is pretty fucking broken right now. I've got achilles problems, exacerbated by a sprained ankle, all of this 4 days before my last triathlon, my A race, which as a cheap ass Indian I am going to do because I did after all fucking pay 80 dollars goddammnit.

So this whole 4 hour thing, especially the part about ultra-endurance, intrigues me. I think there is some good stuff in there: mainly:

  1. to run far you've got to be strong. You've got to have muscle in reserve because your front line will break down.
  2. to run far you've got to have good technique. That reminds me, I need to buy one of those runner metronomes.

So toodling around for 15 miles in 3 hours isn't going to make me uber. Unless, of course, there is 4000 feet of climbing and it's all on trails. On the other hand, doing cross fit endurance and running 400 meters until I puke doesn't sound like the ultimate solution. I think the intensity is needed, the strength is needed, but something has to give, like the amount of time I am putting in.

I'm wondering, quite simply, if it is possible to maintain fitness and strength and apply both to endurance events without burning out, and with flaming out during the event. I think this requires a couple of things:

(1) Gut go bye bye. Extra weight isn't earning it's way. Time to lose it.
(2) Distance tests. Got to run long, bike long at least 1x/week.
(3) Intensity Rules: when going fast, distance doesn't matter.

The injuries have come on the 'long hard' efforts. Which are still totally legit, just not back to back/all the time. More importantly, the mental capacity of going hard for a long time won't be fried by the time the race comes along. And maybe, just maybe, _not_ going 250%, only 80, during a long ride, will keep my head in the game.

Next steps:
  1. get on the fucking weight loss/muscle gain plan.
  2. rehab this fucking achilles tendon
  3. get my head back for long, hard efforts.
  4. get really fucking strong.

FUCK YEAH (battle cry)!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

8/15 - 8/21: Stick a Fork in me, I might be Done.

A slight aside here. I'm burnt. Crispy, actually, have been for a while. Most of this is due to work, which has been somewhat soul sucking in the last month. I like parts of my work -- the design, the meeting with people, etc. There are other parts -- the legal shit, the adminstrivia, that suck ass. And even the fun stuff is piling up as the product I'm developing is starting to get some legs underneath it.

The other reason I'm burnt is quite simply that I'm doing this for the wrong fucking reason. I've fallen into a rut -- I'm the king of ruts, a veritable rut magnet, a heavy rut attractor. This particular rut is all about triathlon training + weight training in an attempt to get faster+stronger. The problem is that I should have focused a lot more on strength early in the season -- I'm definitely feeling the lack of a base right now. Some long term fatigue creeping up. And some mental symptoms as well.

Symptom #1: I don't like riding my bike. This shift started around the time I started riding tired (after a hard 1-2 days running + weights), doing intervals (hill intervals, up Gallager Hill Rd). I normally _love_ riding my bike, on the aeros, back flat, legs churning. However it's not so fun when the legs are tired. And forget any fun when doing tired leg hill intervals.

Symptom #2: I'm getting fried in the pool when doing fast sets. I have no problem spacing my way through a 500. Just that the 100s on the 1:40 are hurting.

Symptom #3: nagging running injuries: my achilles is tightening up, my back is twinging.

Last weeks schedule:

Monday: swimming, 1700 yards, rolling easy.
Tues: weights before plane trip. Hard leg weight session. Now using 40 lb dumbells.
Wed: in Connecticut
Thurs: in NYC
Fri: 26 miles, 3 Gallager Hill intervals. Felt really, really tired. Blech.
Sat: took day off to go to Olympic Peninsula
Sun: 4 miles easy, 9:15 average, focused on cadence and little else (other than keeping pulse down)

Read a great book: Born To Run. What this book makes me want to do: rebase my running on long, slow steady efforts with focused speedwork. Also want to rebase my leg strength, working up to single leg squats with 40-80lbs weight, maybe plyos, etc. I want my legs to be fucking hammering strong.

Finally, I want to get back on trails. Trails make me happy, and that in the end is what this is about. I've got a tri next weekend, the LakeMeridian tri, and then maybe a swim-run du the next Wednesday, and then maybe-maybe the Mercer Island Tri sep 11, but maybe not since Lopa's parents are leaving that day. I just want to back off the 'training mode' intensity a bit and rebase what I'm trying to get out of the whole massive effort. I think in the end it should be less about being fast, and more about being happy through tough efforts. If I can get there, it will be a huge step in the right direction.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Training Summary 8/8 - 8/14

1 week into the new weight augmented regime and I'm a tired duck. Allergies are acting up, leaving a well of concentrated phleghm in the pit of my throat. Sleep is hard to come by, Lopa is only comfortable in 80+ degrees, so I'm banishing myself down to the storage room. And body parts are acting up. My right SI joint feels 50 years old.


2x500 free
10x50 fistglove love action
4x100 IM

Holy FuckingShit those IMs are killing me, not softly or slowly. By the time I'm doing the backstroke I'm hyperventilating. I'm breathing so hard I can't even do a pullout for the 25 breast. Still....it feels good to go hard like that. The 500 frees are getting easier, mentally and physically. I'm hallucinating that I'm actually gripping the water. It's a strange, elusive, addictive feeling. I think I look like I'm on ludes when I'm swimming, my stoke rate (other than at IM time) is snore inducing.


5.8 miles, 14x30x30s. Planned on riding but rolled out of bed toodamnlate. Did the 14x30x30s, hit around 6-6:30/mile, all around threshold HR.

Then weights: the usual kickass grinder, no longer kicking my ass. So I think I've got to up the intensity.


9 miles, 8:47/mi, including a walking section. Did a 7:07 after a good buildup, then held 7:26 for the next .66 mile (until trail). Felt generally strong


slept in, did some abs exercises, called it a day off. In the evening I got a chance to put on the wetsuit and swim off of Proctor's landing w/Michele and Suz, who were getting ready for their Danskin tri. It was great to get back in the lake, the water was crisp, but I was hot by the end of the swim. As usual in a wet suit, I had to really focus on rolling from side to side, and relaxing, and pulling along the side of my body (not down the middle where I cross over).


biked 22 miles relatively easy.

Man, I'm fried. I took off late for a 6AM ride, resolving to make it up by doing 3 hill intervals up Gallagher Hill. I took off up the first climb in the big ring, and felt weak, so kept pushing. At the top I felt queasy and weak. So I backed off. I hit the 10 mile mark and turned around.

Mentally I wasn't there. Its been a long week at work. Lots of stress, lots of unplanned shite. I was just not there. In my 20s I would have gutted through it, and dug myself deeper into the burnout cave. But I'm too old for that drama, so I backed off and decided to 'live to fight another day'.

I did try to push a bigger gear, just for the fuck of it. That ended up being muscularly challenging, not cardiovascular, which was fine. Then I lifted weights.

I need to push it harder on the weights. The first few times my legs were completely fried, now the same sets don't even make me sore the next day. The problem is that I can't load up too much on the single leg squats. I need to go into those with 20 extra lbs. Anything to shred the glutes and quads.


swam 1800 yds
Still mentally not quite with it. Again, I'm backing off -- this is a hobby, not a profession, and definitely not the barometer by which I judge myself. So I floated a little bit through this workout:

500 free
500 free
3x100 free on 1:30 w/50 breast rest
2x100 IM no time w/50 breast rest
100 warmdown.

Sat and Sun were spent camping, aka sleeping on the beach interrupted by several games of catch w/Kiran. He even gave me pointers on my spiral ("watch your follow through, dad!") which was awesome because (a) it worked and (b) it shows he's becoming analytical. On Sunday I took him for a little jog on the beach, he got a little winded, but wanted to do more. I think I'm going to start him running just a little bit, like a mile at a time, to get the feeling of moving for a while. His swimming is also coming along well, He may well be ocean ready the next time we are in Hawaii (gentle waves, total supervision, of course!) This is a fun phase for me, he likes spending time with me and we get along well. I'm lapping it up. I know what happens when they become teenagers!

Leela is zooming around on her little bike, not so much into swimming or anything that requires physical exertion. Which is too bad, she's definitely the more athletic of the two. Kind of reminds me of myself and Mira. Mira had way more talent but would rather be doing other things.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Training Summary 8/2 - 8/7

Kind of a short week, because I was in Orlando. That means one fun filled day of travel (Tuesday) followed by 2 fun filled days of meetings (Wed,Thurs) capped off by one fun filled cross country flight back to Seattle surrounded by Chinese 14 year olds on holiday, which is divine karmic retribution for my trip to China as a binge drinking 16 year old. So my training week really began on Friday!


I spent time in a sweltering, swampy, mess, surrounded by people who were making questionable decisions and sticking by them. Kind of a perfect storm for me, as I like to make questionable decisions and then abandon them. But, lots of drinking was done and lots of charisma was dispensed. Mission accomplished.


still on east coast time, I got up and got in 2450 yards of swimming:

1x500 free
2x450 free/50 br
5x100 IM / 50 br.
200 warmdown

Those IMs are killing me. But they're fun! The longer distance free blocks are more for working on form and combating form breakdown than going fast. I have a long, long ways to go before I can consider my form to be adequate.


Rode 26 miles, island loop counter-clockwise with 3 intervals up Gallager hill road, a 255 foot climb in .5 mile. The hill breaks up into two parts. I try to muscle through the first steep pitch, wobble to the second steep pitch, and just try not to puke up that last grade. Then rode back the way I came, spinning the backend, then picking it up on the frontend. On the way out, met a guy who has a group ride going @ 6AM weekdays. Ouch. However, I need to ride w/a group. Need the Speed.

Followed this ride with weights:

1x15 single leg squats per leg, no weights
1x10 dead lift w/60lbs
1x10 one arm squat w/kettlebell w/45 lbs
1x15 single leg squats, 30 lbs
1x10 deadlift w/60 lbs
1x10 one arm squat w/kettlebell
1x15 single leg squats, 40 lbs
1x10 deadlift w/60 lbs
1x10 one arm squat w/kettlebell


rode 37 miles, out to Issaquah and back. Picked it up in sections, but overall felt tired from yesterday. Still, there were 'mental' sections where I visualized my way into a bigger gear. I really feel like the leg strength and gearing is coming along.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Training Summary 7/25 - 8/1

The biggest lesson coming out of the first tri of the season is that I need stronger legs. Stronger legs = pushing bigger gears and going faster on the bike, and crushing hills on the run. I definitely did not feel super strong on the bike or the run, and I'd like to change that.

This week has been all about quality. I had built the week to a bloody crescendo this AM, because we were going to go camping for Saturday and Sunday, but we got aced out of all of the sites in Washington State. On a Friday. Does anyone work a schedule anymore? Wait. Dont ask what I was doing hunting for a campground on Friday afternoon. The truth is I've been busting my balls at work, and I'm going to Orlando next week to swelter with a bunch of Enterprise Software Architects, so I figured a day away from the office (after delivering everything I needed to this week) -- while being available via email and phone -- was a good mental health break.


this was more of a chillout after the big race yesterday. I think I got around 2000 yards in, but not sure. I just kept moving, 150 free + 50 breast, stretching and focusing on form.


Running, 7 miles, intervals:
1x5 minute
1x10 minute
last mile hard.

More details when I download the data. But this was representative of the new regime. Fucking Hard Intervals. After a 2 mile warmup. Tried to keep it at 165 hr, ended up averaging closer to 159, but that also includes my HR spinning up after noodling @ 120 during the 'off' periods. I think the right thing to do would be to do 1 5 minute, and 1 10 minute, but track the first 5 and last 5 separately to get a true indication of effort during the last 5.

The last mile hard was just that. The Hill of Death was....deadly. But the only way I'm going to run faster is to run faster. Yogi Fucking Berra.


Insomnia. Strikes Again. Welll, I had scheduled an easy 4 miler + weights, but skipped to the weights directly. And got jiggy with it. Did TRX single legs with 60 extra lbs in dumbells, did deadlifts, did kettlebells, and did a new thing where I squat down low and pick up the kettlebell with one hand.

This all amounted to a good effort. I like what's going on wrt weights.


Swimming: ~ 2000 yards
My ass feels like it's been flayed. Those squats just tore me up good. This will end well, provided I keep consistent about it. But I was very happy to be in the pool.

2000 yards swimming
2x200 with 50 breaststroke breaks = 300.
2x400 with 50 breastroke breaks = 900.
5x100 with 50 breastroke breaks = 750
a 150 warmdown.

Starting to like the longer, mellow intervals. But also threw in some 100s at 'pace', whatever that means (I dont check time. That would be depressing. Although...maybe I should check time)


riding, 25 miles, with weights.
2 loops MI, with a key difference: I focused on pushing hard for specific durations, and 'chilled' in between. Hard was hard, much more effort than my usual, and faster too. easy was easy, and I kept HR low. Ran into Bill Walker in the last 3 miles, so chilled it and rolled in w/him on his way to work.


swimming, 2000 yds
2x500 w/50 br. between = 1100
5x100 IM w/50 br between = 750
250 warmdown.

First IM intervals in....25 years? Wow. Those hurt. But they're good. I'm going to repeat as my interval set. They keep me fresh, and allow me to push hard.


9 mile run, computer died. Felt hard, I concentrated on cadence/turnover and not much else. Needed the 'run naked' break to just focus on body sensations and not digital feedback. Great day to run, AM was misting rain, but warm.


weights. Originally planned a 4 mile easy run, but had insomnia the night before and a meeting early this am.

1x15 single leg squat warmup, no weights
1x20 dumbell squat, 60 lbs

1x10 (5 ea. arm) kettlebell single arm squat, 35lbs
1x10 single leg squat, 30 lbs
1x15 dumbell good morning, 60 lbs
1x10 kettlebell single arm squat
1x30 kettlebell swings
1x20 TRX Atomic Pushups
1x15 TRX V-Up
1x10 TRX side planks with arm switches
1x10 single leg squat, 60 lbs
1x15 pullups
1x10 kettlebell single arm squat
1x30 kettlebell swings
1x12 pullups
1x10 TRX Atomic Pushups
1x15 TRX V-Up

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Seafair Olympic Tri 2011


1600 Meter Swim: 29:15. Since the last one was 32:something, this was a big improvement. And I actually felt much better in the water. Blame it on bilateral breathing or something, but the swim has improved.

20 mile bike: 59:50, or 20.1 mph. Kind of slow, but the course was windy and hilly. Short leg crampage in first 2 miles, but worked through it. Definitely lacking power. Time for intervals? Yesssss.

6.2 mile run: 50:46. Aw, snap. My legs went home before the run. Actually, the 1st half of the run was ok, the second half I faded hard. Had to walk up the steeper than f*ck hill, and limped it on in from there. I'm going to need to work on long+hard intervals.

Summary: too much travelling, not enough training. More work @ lactate thresholds required to go faster in bike and run. Swim is progressing nicely, I think we can go faster, drop it into 27, 26 minute territory and that would be respectable.

Next up: Lake Meridian Oly. Should be fun. Goal is to go much faster on the bike and run, and hold the swim steady. Fingers crossed!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Training Summary 7/18 - 7/23

First Tri on the 24th: Seattle Seafair Oly. Short bike, so I don't have my usual advantage. Plus, I'm feeling fat. Wait, It's more than a feeling. I AM fat. Too many beers, too much travelling. Time to start eating right. Tomorrow, that is. Today was all about beer and sliders.

7/18 Monday

swam ~ 1500 yards.
3x200 with the gloves on. Man, that's fucking painful. I need to get over the need to be fast and just slow down and enjoy these form intervals.
2x200 with no gloves. Enjoyed the dinner plate effect, also started to feel the roll from side to side, meaning I'm gliding on one side of my body, then rolling and pulling through and rotating to the other side. Swimming: so much to think about! I'm going to be working on stroke for the rest of my life -- always something new to learn!

7/19 Tuesday

Run 7.99 mi, 8:33 avg pace. Fast!ish.
9:25 mi warmup
8:14 mi pace
7:55 mi more pace
8:25 .79 mi slight uphill
12:18 .16 mile rest
9:06 mi rest of climb
7:33 300 feet not sure why I did this lap
7:51 mi downhill
7:26 .55 mi downhill to home stretch
9:22 .42 mi homestretch uphill.

7/20 Wednesday

woke up late. Leela had problems sleeping, so she jumped in our bed, I went to her bed, and tried to sleep amidst an overflowing cornucopia of stuffed animals. Grrrr. Too late to swim once I got up, so I did some bodyweight single leg squats, some deadlifts, and some ab work. avoided the kettlebell :)

7/21 Thursday

Swim: 2x200, 1x300, 1x400,all free, 50 yds breastroke recovery between. Then 5x50 with gloves, then 5x100 free, 50 breast recovery between.

total: 2300 yards

Breakthrough day swimming. I decided to not start with the gloves, and immediately felt good. Swam leisurely aerobic sets, working up to 400 yards straight. Noticed some breathing issues towards the end, my throat was getting phlegmy. But no arm fatigue after warmup. The coolest sensation was the backs of my hands sliding up the water the driving forward as I rolled through.

I'm still slow as mud, but not super concerned. Comfort is key here. One day I (might) actually be able to be comfortable and go fast. There is no deadline with swimming, it's more about the sensations and the process.

7/22 Friday

4 miles easy running. Original plan was to swim and build on the kinesthetic breakthrough of yesterday, but I slept in. It was good to get out on the run and just roll through some miles. I concentrated on keeping my core 'on', and cadence. These days I have to do _something_ in order to guarantee a good night's sleep, so I mailed it in.

7/23 Saturday

got into the lake for about 1/2 mile swim. (a) it was fucking cold and (b) it was fucking choppy. tomorrow AM its going to be like glass -- today I was getting lifted and dumped by short, choppy swell . Great to get in and work the kinks out.
Kink #1: pull up legs and arms on wetsuit. I need more movement around the shoulders.
Kink #2: be generous with spit in the goggles. They fogged up bad, and I couldn't see where I was going.
Kink #3: need to re-sight every 10 strokes if I'm not in a sea of bodies.
Kink #4: the wetsuit is so floaty I'm not even using my legs to drive my hips ,which means I'm shoulder swimming a lot more.
Kink #5: I'm going to have to really make an effort to start kicking in the last 200 meters to wake the legs up.

OK, race tomorrow. I'm heavier than I wanted to be, and not quite strong. However, I am what I am, and this is what I've got to do. So it'll be an adventure, hopefully a fun one!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Training Summary 7/11 - 7/17

travel week. Monday-Tuesday in SF, where it rained and generally sucked, weather wise. Conference was good, though. Wed-Thurs in Burbank, where weather was good, but meetings sucked. Cant have it all at once :)

Wed 7/13

Run 7.84 miles, 2000 feet climbing on this fire path in the hills north of Burbank. Killer trail run. Who knew ?!?. Very steep, grinding, dirt path up through the foothills along the ridge line. Really, really great run. Loved it.

Fri 7/15

Bike, Mercer Island Loop, 26.6 miles, 18.5 mph. Felt fast, but apparently wasn't that fast: 1:26.

Sat 7/16

raining. Got in a good swim. Worked mainly on form. Really struggling with swim, having a hard time staying motivated. Working on Form seems the be the way through the doldrums.

Sun 7/17

Bike 39.39 miles, Hills of Eastside ride. 4249 feet climbing total, 2:31. Felt strong until the last climb, which wasted me. Limped home with my tail between my legs. That ride is an ass kicker.

Training Summary 7/6 - 7/10

Totally doing this from (Garmin) memory.

7/6 Wed

Run: Track Speedwork, 5.13 mi
1 mi warmup
4x600 6:05, 6:04, 5:58, 6:11 (dying the last one). 600s are my new 400s. Except the track is closed till Aug 15 :(. But I like the longer distance, it hurts.

4x200 5:01,4:45,4:38, 4:45. These also felt not so good. But running fast in training = running fast at race time, no?

7/7 Thurs

Run 8.54 mi, 8:54/mi pace
first 2 miles @ 9:30, next 2 @ 8:30, next 1 @ 8:00, grinding uphill @ 11:36,then 7:52, 7:43, and avg 8:21 with the steep uphill finish. So not bad for a 2nd hard day in a row.

7/8 Fri

I'm sure I swam, but I don't remember the mileage. Swimming has been a struggle lately. I'm having a hard time finding my form.

7/9 Sat

Bike 26.73 mi, avg 18.6 mph, Run 3.31 mi, 8:32, 8:12, 8:39. Avg HR for last 2 miles was 151, 156 bpm. So getting into the range of pain. Good mixup of a brick. I'll bet come race day I will wish I did more of these!

7/10 Sun

Bike 40.82 miles, May Valley - Issaquah loop. New wheels, felt strong, good 1000 foot climb near the end.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Training Summary 6/27 - 7/5

After the big weekend, I was cooked. I slept in on Monday, Swam on Tuesday, and went to the airport on Wednesday, to fly to Corrales and meet up with Lopa, kids, Mom, Mira, and Zakir for 6 days over the 4th of July.

I didn't bring swim gear, just my running shoes. Running at 5000 feet in 80-90 degrees is a big shift from the usual cool/cloudy sea level runs I've been doing. I always felt dehydrated and sluggish when starting the runs, and only started to feel normal about 2 miles into them.

Ended up focusing less on speed and more on kinesthetics. How are my feet landing? Am I leaning forward? How is my cadence? The kind of stuff that never gets old, because it's so damn hard to get right.


Swam for a while. Felt kind of blecch, like I was getting sick. A lot of phlegm, and goggles were fogging up. Plus, the pool was overheated. Leading to an overall feeling of claustrophobia.


3 mile shuffle on the ditch path. Avg 10:12 min/mile. This. Really. Felt. Like. Running. In. Syrup. However, its always good to be home, even if I can't run in the Bosque because of the fire danger.


4 mi, 9:01/mi. Until Mile 2, I felt like I was 80 years old. Everything hurt. Blame it on the too soft bed and the fact that Lopa doesn't open up the windows to take advantage of the cool desert air because the coyotes freak out the kids. Sheesh.


6 mi 9:46/mi. A slow distance day, with the HR alarm set @ 142, led to a slow ass run. In the heat. On the ditch. I'm just enjoying the movement without worrying about pace right now. Running on the ditch trail is not conducive to hauling ass -- the ground is cratered with horse tracks and car ruts, and the sand is like talcum powder, it flies up in the air and gets sucked down into the lungs. At the very least, going back to pristine Washington State is going to feel much easier.


7 mi, 9:45/mi. Believe it or not, this was a hard day. I ran up to Rio Rancho, then down into Corrales, then back home on the backroads, in the heat. About 780 feet gained in altitude, most of it on the climb out of Corrales on W Meadowlark lane. Then I turned north and ran along the Rio Rancho bike trail, which has some short, vicious hills in it. Then down into an arroyo and down along the bottom, enjoying the talcum powder consistency of the ground. Then along some paved roads leading back into town. By this time, it was heating up and I was thirsty.

Final stretch was all about one foot in front of the other. The heat was up, the breeze was not, and the terrain was 4 inches deep of talcum powder sand. Hard to keep it turning over, but _really_ not a good place to stop. So I chugga-chugged it in. I could tell I was low on salt b/c my pulse was trending up, sharply. I think it's time to look back into salt aupplements.


3 mi, 10:02/mi, recovery run. Late night last night, early morning this AM. Just wanted to keep it moving and work out any kinks from yesterday. A great way to wake up.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Training Summary 6/20 - 6/26

Kids and Lopa are in New Mexico, I'm in Burbank, doing a century this weekend (off the couch, no less).
Going to be a battle between missing them and enjoying the lack of responsibility :)


Run: 4 miles, 1300 feet elevation, 138 avg hr.
Work is cranking, and I was up all night with some wicked insomnia. So running late. Plus, I'm in beautiful F*cking Burbank. Its not too bad, though, Got in a run through the Hollywood hills, and those bitches are _steep_. Bonus deadly uphill last 1/4 mile that felt like 6.


Swam, 1 hr.
Not sure how much mileage was covered, I'm trying to swim sets of 200s, at least 5 or so, before going into sets of 100s and alternating with breast stroke to work out the kinks from the legs.


Ran, 7 miles, 8:46/mi, N end loop run. Took it out slow 1st mi, then 8:34 2nd mile, then 8:12, then hit the big hill. Still, felt reasonably strong. Total lack of speed though!


Blech. With the big weekend coming up, I took the day off.


Swam 1 hr. Crowded @ pool. Was swimming in a circle for 1st time all year. Swimming with FGs is fun, mostly after I take them off :)


Biking, Big Day, 91 miles, 9400 feet climbing, 6 hrs. Not sure how that happened, I think maybe because of all the little ups and downs in the road. But I went down to White Salmon to ride w/Jay, who is training for IM Canada. He, a friend of his from his hardcore tri days, and I rolled out on the Mt Adams County Tour, intending to do 105 miles. We rolled out late, at a very conversational pace, and did the first part of the ride, a 2000 foot climb, gently. Then we rolled back to Trout Lake, turned around for the 2nd leg. My wheel started making bad noises, but I didn't feel like I was slowing down, so I didn't investigate. We came back into town with 58 miles, and made the (wise!) decision to not do the next 56 mile loop, opting instead for a 32 mile out and back, up a steep first grade, with a steep descent to the town of Glenwood. By this time it was hot, and the wind was cranking. On the way back, at about 80 miles, I just....popped. Well, no big surprise, my biggest ride to date this year was 40, so popping at 80 was pretty good! I rolled in, and promptly discovered that my rear wheel was rubbing hard, because I'd cranked a spoke. Sheesh. No idea how long that had been going on, but Jay and I factored in another 10 miles bonus for that crap :) This was a great day in the saddle. The roads were butter, the views (Mt Adams) were spectacular, and the weather was perfect. All in all, this is why I ride bikes!


Run, 3 hrs, 14 miles, off road. I honestly intended to take it easy to day. We rolled out on the back side of Hospital Hill, where I had done so many mt bike rides in my 20s. Jay was loping ahead like a big toed jackrabbit, he looked like he was moving effortlessly. I was most likely waddling along, not so effortlessly. We made it to the top of HH, then Jay wanted to show me this cool rope swing 1/2 way down the mountain on the front side. It was definitely a cool swing, you swung out over the exposed slope and it felt like you were flying! We then went to the top of the next hill, where some paragliders were launching. I've never seen that before, it looked....addictive! We were at about 8 miles at that point, and it was heating up. So, of course, we headed down the front (exposed!) side :) This was a hard descent in spots, the trail was sloped out cow path, and my road shoes were getting yanked around quite a bit. But I love trail running -- just managed to forget it since I fucked my back up in my early 20s. Still, that was doing aggro trail running, and now that I'm old, the mellow version is like hiking really fast -- you need to constantly pay attention to your footing.

On the last part I started to fade, hard. Caught a toe on a branch and cramped up trying not to fly off the hill. Then, on the final uphill, I had to walk. I was walking and my heart rate was 165. We were out of water and salt, and I was wearing most of mine on my face -- definitely need to start salting up now that the weather is heating up a bit!

This was a killer weekend. I had no expectations, but was really pleasantly surprised by my level of endurance, considering that I've been going short and hard this whole spring. I do like going long, especially off road. I think I need to start investigating trail running -- I feel so happy when I get out in the woods for a while. Forgot what that was all about since the kids came along.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Training Summary 6/13 - 6/20


started the week off feeling blah, blech, etc. Not sure what that's about, other than I haven't been sleeping lately. And I haven't been coding at all. Just writing a bunch of docs. Arrrgh. Anyways, I was supposed to ride this AM, but it was raining, so I went swimming instead.

5x200 w/ fistgloves. I move slow with those things on. But boy do I feel like a Golden God when I take them off. Lesson of today: finally getting the hand drop part of the catch, and finally dropping my head enough to keep my legs up. Also: when I get tired, my head starts creeping back up, sending me into a spiral of thrash.

6x150: 100 free, 50 breast. Took the FGs off and got the Dinner Plate Full On Effect. Wow. Felt great. Just cruised the 100s, then floated the 50s.

100 warmdown

2000 total.


6 mi, ~52 minutes, W Mercer out and back.
Had big plans to ride this AM, then last night changed to do track work, but was really, really tired. Sense a theme here? I had to have a frank, open, honest conversation with myself about what was going on.

"why am I so tired?"
"it's not like I'm sore, I'm just....tired"
"I don't even want to get out of bed!"
"too f*cking early"

Wait. That's not a conversation, that's just fucking whining. After about 30 minutes of this, while lying in bed, I decided that I was most definitely not excited about getting out of bed, and started on a plan B. The Plan B: run for an hour, don't worry about maintaining a pace. It's about time for a easy week, at least my body and mind are telling me that.

Once I made the decision to not push it, I immediately felt better. I think I'm learning to trust my body on these kinds of mornings. Not sure if I'll ever get out of bed completely stoked to hurt, but at least I was able to get out of bed and get on the road.

Started off running S-L-O-W up the hill, but soon picked up the cadence and was chugging along at 9:30 up the steep part. Then hit the flats and dropped to 8:15 or so. Hit the turnaround, and dropped it to ~ 8 minute miles, HR was running about 160-165, which is ok since the run after the turnaround is mostly uphill rollers. Then chilled on the steep downhill, and brought it home on the final stretch.



6x400, 2x200. Avged between 5:30 and 6:00 /mile on the quarters. The last 3 were hard. Avged between 4:00 and 4:30 on the 200s. Both were also hard. It would be interesting to see how an 800 went if I go out at 6:00 miles. I think the next speedwork session is going to have some 800s. Specifically, where I go out at 6:00 mile and then (try!) to bring it down. Ultimate goal is to get < 2:30 for an 800. Which should be doable, after all, I was running that when I was 14. Thursday
Sleepless night, brought on by too much rich Indian Food. Next AM, rolled out a little late, and spent time in the pool adjusting my leaky new goggles (they didn't leak last time!!) with FistGloves on. But it wasn't a total waste of time. I fine tuned my stroke. Realized that if I pull my arms wide in an exaggerated (for me!) hourglass, my elbow stays high and I can completely feel how much more water I'm pushing around. Of course, this was working muscles I don't have, so it was hard to keep going. But it sure feels more efficient.


Another sleepless night. Leela is not sleeping well, and when she doesn't sleep, none of us sleep :) Woke up late, too late to run, so did upper body TRX.


9-9.5 mile run. Hard to estimate b/c garmin died. Battery getting weak lately. Not sure if it's being pushed 'on' by mistake. Went out easy, came back medium hard. Didn't overly push, wanted to keep a brisk (8-8:30 on hills) pace. Ran by feel.

Sunday: 38.61 miles, 3900 feet climbing. 'Hills of Eastside' ride, with extra added bonus of descent and climb out from Holmes Pt. That road is _steep_. Felt great, after hub has been fixed, I'm riding faster. Bike is making strange noises though, need to check it out. Flying to LA tonight for meeting tomorrow. Already getting lots of last minute edits to deck, along with one "why are you going out there?" Jesus.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Training Summary 6/6 - 6/12

Playing Catch-Up this past week.


swimming, after a 300 yd warmup, did 5x150, ran out of time. Mainly focused on form. Still getting tired around the 150 mark. Need to just go longer and push through fatigue.


raining outside. Lifted weights on TRX, focused on legs, did 4 sets of single leg lunges and KB squats. along with some upper body work.


Running, 8.75 miles, progressive tempo.
Did the long loop around the N end of the island. Really, really sore from yesterday, the first 3 miles were a slog, the next 2 (to the big hill) were fast, and the final roll in was fast as well. Glutes shot from all of the lifting work. I think this is a good pattern to follow, but also need to build in some speed as well. Not sure how to fit this all in!


Swimming, 30 min, because I woke up late. Still shot the last two days. New FGs and goggles required some tuneup. I swam with FGs on for 1/2 the workout, then took them off and experienced that awesome bighands effect. Maybe 1000 yds total.


5 mile recovery run, 1 hr. Didn't push at all on this one, just relaxed and enjoyed the day.
25 mile tempo ride 1.5 hr. Started out slow, intending to roll, didn't feel it mentally. Got passed by this guy on the uphill who was just killing it. Didn't chase him down, but on the flats I started to roll faster and faster, and pretty soon was rolling at 25 mph, slight tailwind. Caught him and we rolled through the rest of the ride at conversational pace. This is fine for me, usually I'm pegged and killing it, and the occasional social ride keeps it fresh.


nothing planned so far...we were going to run the furry 5k, but the kids slept in, so that's off the calendar. I didn't get in an early ride b/c of the planned run, so not sure if i'm going to get a ride in at all. Backup plan: early out of bed tomorrow for a 2.5 hr 'hills of the eastside' ride to Juanita and back.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Training Summary 6/30 - 6/5


25 mile ride around the bottom of the lake. Started out feeling tired, got into the groove, and did some good speed (22-23mph) on the flats. I'm not breathing terribly hard, but legs are tired. I think that means I need more strength than lungs at this point.


swimming. Was putting on fistgloves when they ripped. arggh. I was just getting into the whole fistgloves thing again. Anyways, did some random yardage, concentrating on rotation, head down, forearms down, etc. Lots to think about in the pool. Was still somewhat congested, which makes swimming (for me anyways) a difficult affair.


work related insomnia, I was a wreck this AM. so I kicked it and got some sleep. No matter how guilty I feel about sleeping instead of working out, I figure my body is trying to tell me something, and I'd better listen.


running, 7.84 mi, progressive tempo run, out and back. After the first two miles of climbing, kept it at < 8:30 on the rollers, closer to 8:15 most of the time. Felt good (fresh from the day off and guilty) Friday
Fistgloves broke! Arrgh. I had visions of sliding through the water, my hands reduced to tiny nubs, my forearms and biceps catching the water, my hips driving the stroke. All of which were still possible, but after the FGs ripped, I just wasn't in the mood to fake fist drills. So I did 10x100 after a 400 warmup and called it.


biking, 41.29 mi, 2:28, 16.7 mph, 3979 feet climbing.

May Valley/Issaquah with the LakeMont climb option. Felt really good today, aside from saddle sores that I think may be due to (a) old shorts and (b) front of saddle TT position. This is a hilly route, with some steep risers in the middle of rolling terrain. Legs are coming around, so is head. Felt like I could power through some lactic acid sections by rationalizing the pain away and focusing on the effort. Snapped a spoke about 3/4 of the way through the ride. Damn rear wheel.


biking. 26 miles, 2 loops around MI, computer died.
So yesterday I took my wheel in to get re-trued after the spoke break, I figured the 10+ miles on a broken spoke were not good for the overall condition of the wheel. The bike store guy calls up and tells me that the hub bearings are completely shot and the wheel barely turns. Excited, I ask whether this means that I might actually go faster on new bearings. He says yes. I let out a whoop of joy -- it's not often that outside circumstances contribute to me going slow, and I thought I was getting old and fat. Still am getting old and fat, but perhaps not at the rate previously calculated.

Training Summary 5/23 - 5/29

Sheesh. I had a good training week last week, but right now I'm feeling like a roly poly tub of goo. Not sure why, other than the fact that I've been eating like a pig. After a good weekend of riding, I took the day off Monday, and got into the pool Tuesday.


2000 yds total.
swam 5x150 with the fistgloves.
then the 50-250 freestyle progression w/50 breastroke breaks
finally 250 warmdown.

The fistglove sets are really working. Today I noticed that my right elbow tends to drop when I rotate to breathe on my left side. Also, I dropped my head lower, and my hips floated up to the top. It was _easy_. Man, I could seriously work on this for the rest of my life. I have a feeling I'm just breaking through, but I've actually said that before!


14x30x30, 5.97 mi, 53:54:45, 9:02/mi avg HR = 151
yeah. woke up late, after a 3AM toss'n'turn thinking about work shit. So instead of the track, I did the 14x30x30 set. It fucking hurt, which is good. Then I went to work, and got tossed in a bucket of shit. Someone accused me of doing something underhanded, which I had nothing to do with, and I fucking blew my stack, and almost quit. That wouldn't have been a good move. I actually like my job, minus the politics and the bullshit.


7 miles, 8:46/mi pace, 992 feet climbing. Avg HR = 150
Standard north end loop. Kept pace sub 9 after the first mile, crept above 9 on the steep climb. Solid effort on the hills.


felt blecch. I had some snot that could have held the tiles on the space shuttle. So I kicked it for a day.


4 mi easy run, upper body weights. Still blowing out superglue. Ran easy 4 with Shadow, then did standard upper body stuff. This weekend is a long one, so I'll get in a long hard ride tomorrow, a shorter easier ride Monday.


36 mile ride to issaquah, 2:15. Still feeling kind of blah, but pulled it together for the ride. Didn't end up going up cougar mtn, due to late start. However, any time in the saddle is good time in the saddle.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Training Summary 5/16 - 5/22


After a rather meh week in Orlando, I returned and the demons of air travel kicked my ass for a couple of days. I ran 2 days in a row over the weekend, felt hobbled like an old man, and took the day off on Monday to get over myself. Felt stuffy and lame.


slightly less stuffy, slightly less lame. Managed to get to the pool for 45 minutes. Put on the FistGloves and swam 500 easy. Scary thing was that my stroke rate was the same as when I didn't have them on last time: yikes! I took them off, and felt massively powerful. Also immediately massively tired. Still got some gunk in the lungs, apparently.

I've got to get back down with the FistGloves. I felt incredibly connected (until I got tired, that usually took 100 yards) all the way from my fingers to my core. It was a groovy feeling. Unfortunately, I didn't swim long enough to get high from the chlorine. Next time!


6x400, 2x200, 1 mi warmup, 4.5 mi total.

avged 5-6 min on 400s, 4-5 min on 200s. Felt pretty speedy after the first couple.


5 miles, ran hard after 2. 8:30-7:56 for the last 3.


Swimming, did 5x100 warmup with fistgloves, then a 50-250 progression w/50 breast breaks.
Noticed I'm almost swimming as fast with gloves as without. The twisting/driving motion, originating from hips, has come a long way. now I just need more endurance.


rode 26.5 miles, MI loop, 1:26. First lap @ 19.2 mph, hill up and over @ 15mph, 2nd lap @ 18.5 mph, 18.5 avg total. Pushed pretty hard, think I need to focus on spinning more. Felt like I was grinding.


34 miles, 3000 feet climbing, Eastside hill ride. Felt pretty dead from yesterday. Definitely slower than yesterday. Next weekend lets frontload the longer ride so that the intensity is maintained longer, then recover with a flatter second day ride. I don't have back to back hard rides in me right now.

Monday, May 16, 2011

WTF? Training lately, 4/17 - 5/16

Wow, almost a month has gone by, without me writing about it. Thankfully I've got the Garmin to refer back to, although that doesn't track my swimming.

First things first: I signed up for the seafair olympic triathlon, because the rock n tri olympic distance was way too expensive to register for! The seafair oly tri has a short bike and a long swim, so not exactly my cup of tea. But it'll be the first of at least 3 tris this summer, need to pick the other two out. I know that Lake Meridian will be one, trying to triangulate the other one.

Secondly: I've been fighting a battle with food, and losing. Partly because I've been travelling -- spent the last week in Orlando, and stayed at a resort which literally had zero access to running. Partly because I'm a pig, and a bored one at that. And Partly because I've been working pretty hard.

Third, this is the fucking coldest spring in 60 years. It was 45 degrees and blowing today, May 16. Fuck that shit. Definitely hard to get out and ride when it's pouring rain.

Here is a recap of the last month:

Tues 4/19

Track workout.
Warmup, then Maff test. made 1.86 mi, @ 8:04 pace, keeping HR @ < 157. 2x400 - 6:05, 5:49 2x200 - 4:$5, 4:59 Warmdown .25 mi. Not really getting in the groove of speedwork yet Wed 4/20

swam,not sure how much.
Dentist appt.

Thurs 4/21

Ran 7 miles, 9:01 mi/avg. 1180 feet climbing/descending Short loop up Country Club hill. Felt decent, pace picked up past 2 miles, then hit hills.

Sat 4/23

Ran 9 miles, 9:20 pace. Long enduro run. 2200 feet climbing/descending. 5 miles under 9 minutes, 4 miles over (including first 3, didn't feel too good before mile 3)

Sun 4/24

Biked 26.22 miles, 1:28, 17.8mph avg speed, 3037 feet climbing.

Tues 4/26

2.11 miles, warmup, then leg weights.
Single leg squats and kettlebell lifts.

Wed 4/27

7.5 miles, lactate threshold test. 3.79 miles warmup,
10 minutes at TT threshold,avg HR 157.
20 minutes at TT threshold: avg HR 165.

With this knowledge, I have established the following training zones:

Run Zones
Zone 1 Less than 85% of LTHR = 140
Zone 2 85% to 89% of LTHR = 147
Zone 3 90% to 94% of LTHR = 155
Zone 4 95% to 99% of LTHR = 163
Zone 5a 100% to 102% of LTHR = 168.3
Zone 5b 103% to 106% of LTHR = 174.9
Zone 5c More than 106% of LTHR = aack!

Bike Zones
Zone 1 Less than 81% of LTHR = 133
Zone 2 81% to 89% of LTHR = 147
Zone 3 90% to 93% of LTHR = 153
Zone 4 94% to 99% of LTHR = 163
Zone 5a 100% to 102% of LTHR = 168.3
Zone 5b 103% to 106% of LTHR = 174.9
Zone 5c More than 106% of LTHR = aack!


biking, 26.69 miles, 1:25:54, 18.6 mph, 3000 feet avg 142bpm, Zone 2


biking 36.11 miles,The Eastside HillClimbing fest, 15.9 mph avg, 3776 feet climbing, 133bpm, Zone 1


running, 4 miles, 'hard' pace, just felt like running hard. Hilly run, kept HR in low Zone 4 the whole time.


running, 7 miles, 9:34 avg. Took it easy, felt kind of spanked today. avg HR 143, just into Zone 2


after a week of sitting in Orlando being air conditioned, drinking, and getting fat, I got back to sunny (not!) seattle and ran a little bit.
8.7 miles, 8:52/mile. 1421 feet climbing avg 156 HR, low Zone 4


4 miles, in the rain, running easy, 10:23avg, zone 1, avg 126bpm, Zone 1

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Training Summary 4/10 - 4/16

Hey, I missed a week! Almost two!

Actually, I did do some running and some cycling, and even some swimming. So the only thing missing has been my updates. I'll try and at least get this last week written down.

A 37 mile bike ride, 2:15, the May Valley ride. This was my first long ride of the year, by long, I mean anything over 25 miles (funny, long used to mean anything over 50 miles, 20 years ago. Now I'm twice as old and going half as far. Wait. That's not funny). Felt fried near the end, but overall a good time in the saddle.

Was supposed to be about swimming, but ended up being about sleeping in and an upper body workout. On the plus side, I did do 40 atomic pushups:

These kind of suck. In a good way. Busting out 40 was cool.

4.11 miles, this was a 1 mile warmup with a Maffetone 15 minute test. I ran this on a moderately hilly section of road, 1.82 miles in 15 minutes, for 8:11 avg, 365 feet of climbing. The main goal was to get a sense for going at 156 bpm for 15 minutes, I'm going to repeat on the track to see if the average speed increases on the pure flats.

6 miles, this was 2 miles warmup followed by 4 miles hard, especially the last 'hill of death'. I think I'm going to do my runs and swims during the week (time efficient) and my rides on the weekend.

10x150, broken into 50 free, 25 breast, 50 free, 25 breast. Goal here was to keep good form, and that wasn't happening past 50.

off. slept in. enjoyed it. I did see this cool video, that I want to try in the pool.

Check out the fast guy and his high elbows! man, if I knew this stuff in high school, I might have been (somewhat) fast!

off to a slow start thanks to several Gin and Tonics the night before. But did the 37 mile loop in 2:10. Ran into a pack of cat 2s on what was their easy ride. They dropped me like a bad habit when the road tilted up. 2nd long ride of the year, I don't have it to stay with cat 2s that actually spent last week racking up miles in SoCal. Oh well :)

Training Summary 3/28 - 4/3

First of all,

If you don't think that is funny, I don't want to talk to you. Doo Da Dippity. My new mantra.


yeah, not a lot happened exercise wise. I ran 3 miles really slow, and came in and did 2x the kettlebell-split lunge - single leg deadlift routine.


Today was the first day of the Hadoop class I was teaching, and hence, I was somewhat nervous. Because I had just gotten the last of code working last night (crucial differences between 0.19 and 0.20 were making the going a bit hard for a minute or two).

The best way to chillax was to jump in the pool for the first time in 4 months. Shoulders felt like they were on fire, and I was barely moving. Still, it was good to get in and move through the water. I _think_ I did 10-12 100s, 75 free, 25 breast. That crazy little oriental guy that looks like the the gangster in 'The Hangover':

was just killing me today. He kicks like a rabid bunny rabbit, and his stroke rate is twice as fast as mine. Cant believe this guy is so fast. Its freaky, and just goes to show how form/efficiency related swimming is. I tried kicking like him and I think I gave myself a hernia. Regardless of how strange it felt, I think kicking a little more than my 2 kicks per stroke might be the ticket to a faster swim. Certainly works for him!

As an extra bonus for showing up after 4 months off, I did get my usual 2nd half swim workout buzz on. I think the chlorine has a slight narcotic effect on me, because I roll out of there higher than a kite, and totally stone mellow. Which was a good way to go into the class, where (a) there was no internet, and (b) powerpoint didn't let me see my notes or the elapsed time due to a screen fubar. No problemo, I fumblef*cked through it in a loose way, good thing I rehearsed last night :) Tomorrow is a code deep dive, and I think I can wade my way through that fairly well. It helps that I wrote the code this weekend. I know the ins and outs decently well enough to actually be able to speak to it.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Training Summary 3/21 -3/27

Another week -- these are going by fast. While, according to Kiran's allergies, it's spring, the temperature refuses to cooperate. Its still damn cold, and I'm getting more and more sensitive to it. Body parts are achey and stiff. Especially after the weekend 9 miler run on Sat + Snowboarding + 26 mile ride on Sun. Finally got my standup desk @ work today, my back feels much happier. Now I just need a stool to sit on when my weak legs tire out after 8+ hours of standing.

work continues to be full f*cking on. I've got to put together a Hadoop class, ramp up a new dev, participate in 2 tech evals, and move the product roadmap forward. Jesus Christ. Spent the last hour wondering what the fuck was going on with my report generating mods to YCSB, only to realize I was closing the stdout stream. Duh.


woke up late after reading an old mid 80s 'Batman Returns' comic that Kiran lent me. Is it sad when you and your nine year old read the same books? On the other hand, he's no ordinary nine year old. We're also reading Huck Finn, and he loves it. He laughs and laughs and cant wait for the next chapter. It _is_ a great read. He is a smart kid. Just took his ITBS test to confirm that he belongs in e2, I hope he didn't fuck it up (I know I would have at his age :) Oh well, he's not doomed to flip burgers if he doesn't get in. I'm living proof of that.

Contemplated running, then stopped that bullshit. Grabbed some coffee, then downstairs for an upper body specific TRX funfest. Including 2x12 pullups, 1x35 atomic pushups, 2x10 single leg supported pushups, 2x10 supermans, and I cant' remember what else. All I know is that it was hard to walk up the stairs afterward, and I didn't do anything to my legs. wrt atomic pushups -- I think I've got to hit 40 just to say I did it. I think I could have done it today, but was just freaking lazy after hitting 35.

Tomorrow I'm considering a 4-5 miler followed by weights. I think a fast 4 + kettlebell + lunge squats would just about kick my ass all the way back into the stone age. Of course, this sounds groovy @ 10pm, just prior to going to bed. Much less exciting @ 5AM when getting out of bed.


did a hard 4 miles, followed by weights. I think I'm getting up and over the kettlebell strength curve, at least for 45 lbs. Might be time to stack more weights on.


Upper body TRX. Did 40 Atomic pushups today -- a first!


spent the time I should have been running responding to an asshat email. Hate it when work dominates, but it has been lately, I've been going wall to wall between evaluating new tech, putting together a Hadoop class, and playing reindeer games like the one this morning. Got in a 3 miler, first mile medium, last two hard.


took the day off.


4 miles hard, followed by leg splits and kettlebells. Today I took Leela up skiing. She lasted about 2 hours, it was fun to ski with her, she's come a long way in a season, from barely moving along to flying on the greens with a big smile on her face. Shes so cute, the way she turns, she holds her body just like Lopa does when she's turning, kind of curled over. It was a good day to spend with her.


Took Kiran up to Summit East, my first time there since the 'remodel'. We had a blast, there are some easy and not so easy black diamond runs that he attacked with gusto. I cant believe that he's going down black diamonds. And now, when we race, I have to go forward and not switch stance, otherwise he just dusts me. He ended up getting into e2, which is great, because he needs to get pushed, just like I did.

That place rocks. I'm there the next powder day. It has the best tree runs, the trees are spaced just right. The slope could be a little steeper, but I'm getting older and it really doesn't matter now :)

He's a way better skiier at nine than I was. I wonder how far he's going to take it?

After skiing I did a quick upper body workout. Did atomic pushups with yoga blocks to get lower in the pushup. Those hurt. Then did 15 pullups, in between a set of talon single arm pulls. Also did a bunch of supermans and flys. Well, at least I _felt_ buff :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Training Summary 3/14 -3/20

Summary: Its March, late March. How did that happen ?!? Its still f*cking cold, and spring has not sprung by any stretch of the imagination. My heel is sore, less sore, but my back is wound up like a spring. Damn standing desk hasn't shown up, I think they're growing the tree to make it from :( I offered to put one together for them, and they looked at me funny. Times like that I really miss working at a startup.


F*cking Daylight Savings Time. Really messes with me. This AM, up at all hours, until (of course!) 4 I mean 5 AM, my minimum wakeup time to hit the road by 6. It was raining, blowing, and dark outside, making for a definite "no, not psyched" factor. So I blew off the planned 6 miler and hit the TRX for a full body session. Well, at least my heel gets the day off.


4.07 mi 34:45, 8:33 /mi, avg 155bpm

quick paced run, out and back on W Mercer way (hilly). Felt good, I'm liking these short, fast runs.


did nothing, went out and watched sounders last night, then stayed @ work till 10:30 answering emails. Work has lately been 'Dancing with Asshats'. Stressful, because I'm not one.


5.09 mi, 43:51, 8:37/mi, 162bpm avg
another quick one, went out a little harder, came back a little slower :)


no sleep + stress @ work make me a sleepy slacker!


8.78 mi, 1:23, 9:33/mi, 149 bpm
made this one a longer, slower run. Felt like I could go harder, but right now I'm nursing a sore heel, and want the distance days to be mellower.


Biking: 26.8 mi, 1:29:26, 18.0 mph, 3072 feet climbing,avg HR 140

Standard MI loop. I headed out and powered up the first climb in the big ring, feeling strong. Then I kept the pace up on the rollers, easily keeping 22-24 mph. I was feeling great, and the ease at which I could keep that pace on my 2nd bike ride of the year had me stoked.

Then I rounded the south end of the island and realized I had been riding with a tailwind. Aw Snap. the wind was out of the north, and it made grinding up the long hill on W Mercer to the i-90 on-ramp a hard one. The first lap I was able to keep it in the big ring, but had it my 19 in back. The second (finishing) ramp I was just fried, and rolled it in mellow.

My legs are coming around, though. I don't feel like I'm pedaling squares, and I think the kettlebells and TRX are making a difference. But, damn, I'm tired after 26 miles, way too tired. This is my pre-work ride, hopefully it will get back to being one that I can crank out without so much fatigue. I have a feeling that about 5 less lbs would probably help the cause too. Well, that's what the summer months are for :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Training Summary 3/7 - 3/13


woke up late and tired after snowboarding weekend. Lopa was teaching, so I had time for a 3 mile run and some weights. Went out HARD on the uphill, ended up avging 8:30 overall, a 9:30 first mile and then in the 7-8 range the rest.

Then did 3xsingle leg split squats -- no plyo, knee still hurting from last weekends 5 feet to flat landing -- and 3x25 kettlebell swings. Really focusing on driving those swings with my glutes and core. It keeps me from fucking my back up.


woke up late again, and only had time for a 4 mile recovery run. Recovery it was. I went superdeeduperdee slow the last mile, keeping it below 142 on the steep uphill forced me into a very slow shuffle-og. Was going to do upper body weights, but didnt' have time.


Dentist time, 7AM. So general all around body workout TRX+Kettlebell.


Nothing doing today, I think it was raining.


hard run, 5.5 miles, avg 8:30 pace. took it out @ 9:30 for first mile, dropped it down to 9 for second, then kept winding it up. Was going to go for full 6 miles but was hit by a sideache, I havent had one of those for years. Felt like a knife in my guts. Rolled home slow, the short way.


raining, lots. Still sore from run (heel and back not feeling super good). Did all over body workout with TRX and kettlebells.


snowboarding w/Kiran and Leela. Leela, that girl gets after it! She's gone from a very pokey beginner to a not so pokey beginner in 2 weeks -- I think (and I'm not sure where she gets it) she's some kind of natural athlete, between this skiing business, the soccer goals, and the basketball point guard stuff. Had a great time w/the kids, although did not get to do any jumps in the park, but that could be a next year goal for me and Kiran. Afterwards, got out on a 4 mile easy jog. Felt good to sweat. Heel feels better after the slow run.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Training Summary 2/28 - 3/6

Overview: Travelled to sunny Orlando this week Tues - Thurs for meetings. The time change f*cked with me. First meeting was 8am EST. That's 5AM PST, y'all. Fucking nightmare. And they didn't even feed us.

Thurs AM got out for a nice 4 mile run around Orlando. Kept the pace reasonably high, and felt good.


Weights and 4 mile run


Travel all day. yuck.


Did I mention the 5AM meeting? Bastards.


Nice run in what felt like blazing heat. Great to be in shorts, outside.


Blech. Travel 'hangover'


Boarded all day @ Crystal w/Arun T (aka Mr Pink) and his friend Joel. Great to get out and push it, we rode all over North Back and High Campbell. Tweaked my front knee early in the day and on the last run. Self massage of outer IT band below quad muscle @ insertion into knee seems to have helped.


Rode 2 hrs while kids were in lessons. Tired from yesterday. The snow was rock hard, so I was not inspired to huck anything. Leela wanted to ride in the kiddie park after her lesson, so I got a couple of jump runs in. Fun!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Dao Of Poop

In ancient and not so ancient times, people used to try to infer or predict future events by extrapolating from every day, mundane things. Tea leaves, Tarot cards, bird entrails (gross, but still mundane), all could be interpreted and analyzed and used to guide decisions and approaches. They were like barometers for life.

While one side of me has taken a slightly more logical approach to inference/prediction via the Machine Learning route, the other side of me still really puts a lot of weight into these kind of interpretations. Well, I should say one specific interpretation. Where oracles and wise men once use any and all of the above to find their way through the world, I use one thing. My bowel movements.

I can pretty much tell what kind of day I'm going to have from my morning dump. Sometimes, I lay so much cable that no matter how I felt before the poop, afterwards I feel strong, young, invincible. I take that energy into the day, and quite frankly, kick the days ass.

Other days, I grunt and grunt and grind and all I've got to show for it is a couple of turdlets. Maybe a lot of gas. But nothing of substance. On those days, it's difficult to get excited. For one thing, I don't feel lighter, or stronger. I'm also a little nervous to go off on any run longer than 45 minutes. If we lived near the woods, no big deal. I'd just take some tp out on the road and be done with it. But we live on Mercer Island, and people don't take shits in the woods around here. I think it's a felony. Or close enough, anyway.

Lately, I've noticed that even if I don't necessarily have a great morning dump, I can work backwards to my last dump, and analyze it. I am a lucky man. I rarely have more than 2 dumps that are insubstantial. So, for me, worst case is that I'm off by one!

This last realization has led me to conclude that sometimes, it is possible to make my own destiny. The days of agonizing over the meaning of a bad dump have been replaced with bathroom playbacks, in which it is quickly established that I laid a breacher less than 12 hours ago. Immediately, all is right in the world. Or at least known. In effect I start to feel invincible about my shit before last, and use that to reset my approach to the day, the world, and life in general.

I'm wondering what other people use as a barometer...a lot of my friends swear by the bowel movement theory. But then again, that could just be the kind of people I end up hanging out with.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Training Summary 2/14 - 2/21


Second week back in the saddle. I sit here and type this instead of actually getting outside because it's raining, blowing, and dark, and I've got a slight sore throat. Yes, I'm a fucking wimp :) I'm going to opt for the indoor routine today, trying out the new kettlebell for swings and get-ups, then finishing up on the TRX, blasting the legs and the core.

1x 5 reps KB getups, 25 lbs. Much harder for the left side than the right. Hmmm.
3x 25 reps KB swings, 35 lbs. Breathing very hard by the end of 25 of these!
3x15 single leg split squats, last 2 sets were plyo. Also gasping for great @ end of these.

Had to bail, sick kids and running late. Tomorrow I'll do upper body and core.


Upper body session, quite a good one. Managed to get completely pumped
Atomic Pushups
1x15 pullups
1x15 single arm talon rows
1x15 single arm tricep extensions
1x20 suspended leg swings
2x15 supermans


3 miles running, followed by kettlebell hell, same as last time. Kettlebell swings getting easier. Maybe my form is getting fucked?


Beat. Rest Day


4 miles run, I'm tired of running slow so I didnt chug up the final set of hills. Worked on really feeling the push off in my core and glutes, and keeping turnover high.

the usual kettlebell/single leg split squats, skipping the kb getup. Was fairly spanked afterward.


GPS was out of juice, so I took Shadow out for 6 miles. We kept the pace 'high', i.e. 7:45 - 8:30 on the hills. I was definitely feeling it towards the end. Muscle fatigue was setting in. Still, I do feel a lot more solid and stronger in my core and glutes, and running is starting to feel like floating instead of slogging.


Today my back felt...whacked. Not sure if it's the kettlebells, or the hard runs, or sitting funny, or all of the above, but it definitely wasn't groovy. So I thought I'd go out for a little spin. The ride (2 laps, MI, 1:39, SLOW) felt fine, first time out on the new tribar setup, position was essentially unchanged from the previous drop bar setup. at about mile 20 I broke a spoke. I'd say it was the SHEER POWER of my legs, but spoke age and overtensioning might have more to do with it.

Later in the day I felt like a cripple. My lower back was spasming, so I tried to stretch it a little bit (NOTE TO SELF: DONT DO THAT AGAIN) and my upper back spasmed. Fuck, I'm old. My knees also hurt and all in all I was hobbled quite massively.


Ibuprofen and rest helped me get over being old somewhat. Spent the day boarding with the kids. Right now that means boarding with Leela on green runs. Boring..except it's my little girl and she's rockin the skis right now. And, I'm getting the hand of riding backwards on a directional board. The trick is to not panic and just let the turn....happen. That's right. Just let it happen, don't force it, get in the backseat and let the bitch ride. I actually started laying down some nice carves that way -- switchpants carves, who knew I had it??!? Now I just need to get my jumping mojo back from 10+ years ago, and I'll have come full circle.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ha! Training Summary, Post Sayulita, 2/7 - 2/13

Jesus. I missed about 3 weeks of consistent training. Week 1 I was sick. Week 2 I was sick in Mexico. Week 3 I was sick in San Jose. Week 4, this week, I got sick of being sick, and decided to hug it out. Seems to have worked. That or the sleep. In any case, I put on a little bit of love during the last week spent in San Jose, the soulless tech capital of the world, eating crap processed food and sitting on my ass in the Strata conference.


Crazy Train leaves station. 4 (that's right, count em, 4) miles of angry waddling. First run in what felt like a decade. Heel still hurts from strange surfing wipeout. Lungs feel like those of a chain smoker. Love handles and other jiggly pieces are, well, jiggling.

Followed the run with some trx lunges and weights. Yippeee!!


3 mile angry waddle (I refuse to call what I'm doing, at a 9:00 pace, running. dammit.) Followed by lunges and a kettlebell workout. Hey, that kettlebell stuff (approx 30 lbs) hurts! And it gets my heart a thumpin! I'm going to make a kettlebell and buy some more weight plates.


Upper body day, and, yeah, my ass really hurt from that kettlebell stuff. So it must be working. I'm excited to try it tomorrow! Really, I am. Can you feel the excitement? I also did 35 atomic pushups. The last 5 sucked. The first 30 were not as sucky. I did some other strange core stuff, like
  1. the leaning tower of Pisa,
  2. the strange leg swing thing from pushup position
  3. the sit-down and drive back up with the hips
  4. and more! 
Finally, I did some pullups (like 12), and then immediately followed with single arm rows. So I felt pretty buff, even if my tummy has gotten slightly more rotund than usual in the last couple of weeks.


TRX and Kettlebell:

3x 15 single leg split squat plyos
2x 10 single leg front squats
3x 25 kettlebell swings

My pseudo kettlebell -- a dumbell with one plate as a handle is getting slightly dangerous. So it's time to build one. But I'm still getting completely cleaned by these swings. Jesus they're hard. Esp. when followed by split squats.


3 mile run --new route, up W Mercer Hill and back on trails via headlamp -- so romantic! --  followed by upper body TRX.  The 3 mile route was slow, due to the constant uphills, but fun, due to the trail. I think it's a good warmup for weight session, it gets me slightly sweaty.

1x35 atomic pushups
2x10 supermans
1x15 chest flys
2x10 single arm presses
1x15 pullups (forearm still sore, need to lay off the axe handle pullups for a bit)
1x15 single arm rows.


6.75 mile base pace run up and over the hill by the swimming pool. My heel is hurting, courtesy of a strange, inconsequential wipeout in Sayulita. It hurts until about mile 2, and really feels stiff in the morning. After I run, however, it feels fine. weird.

avg pace was around 9 minutes. I'm running hella slow right now, which is why I need to get back to basics. My HR is also a lot higher. where I was averaging 134 for a 9 minute mile, I'm now up to 148 or so. Yikes. This is what happens when you dont run for a month and you're 41.


Snowboarding w/Leela. The first couple of hours were her lesson, so I rode around a little bit. Snow was much better than it has been lately, which was enjoyable! I finally got a park pass, proceeded to get into the park, and lame-style a couple of jumps. But that I mean approach the lip too slow and barely get any air at all. Jumping, for me, is an exercise in comfort, and I'm going to need to get a lot more comfortable in order to do it well. Not sure if I have that kind of time -- should have done this a _lot_ earlier in the season :) Oh well, there is always next year!

Leela had a bit of a breakthrough on skis today, after class. I had to talk her into going, she really didn't feel good. But after the first couple of runs, when we worked on turning instead of doing pizza all the way down, she really started to like it, and we got in 6-7 more runs!! I love it when the kids have moments like this -- the trick now is to not push them too hard, just let them figure it out at their own pace. They're like their dad, kind of cautious by nature. Sometimes that means you need to push it, but sometimes that means you need to get into it slowly. I'll push myself, and let them get into it slowly.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sayulita Report

Yeah, that was paradise. The Surf Trip to Sayulita was a definite highlight, much like Mark M's SnowCat Bachelor Party, or The North Ridge of Stuart, or Orbit+Outer Space in a day, or the Seattle Marathon, or RAMROD. I think I need to have at least one kickass experience like this per year. It reminds me of what life is really about. (hint: _not_ software!)

Of course, my choice of traveling companion pretty much guaranteed the trip would turn out well. Jay is not only the ultimate optimist, but he's incredibly open to trying or doing anything. So what if he's never surfed before? He's been wanting to try it for a while. And his openness extends to everyone and everything around him. It was impossible to walk into a bar or restaurant with Jay and not walk out with some new friends. He is very engaging with everyone, where I am very private, and as a result the trip was a lot more entertaining than it would have been alone. Plus, the added bonus of travelling with a friend that's known me for almost 20 years and gives me shit for all of it makes it that much more fun.

The village of Sayulita is sort of built up, but nothing like Puerto Vallarta. The roads are still dirt, the roosters are still game for the 3am wake up, and the vibe is supremely mellow. Despite the whole narcoterrorista thing in Mexico, Sayulita felt very safe. I saw lots of couples with infants and toddlers tooling around. And the dogs were well fed, mellow, and plentiful.

The food is killer. We found many restaurants that were incredibly simple, El Bicho, La Casita, Fish Taco, etc, but whose food was amazingly fresh and tasty. All for about $6 per person. Most of our money went on froofy drinks, next time I'm going to just drink beer and save a lot of $$.

We fell into a good rhythm. Wake up, get coffee, check out the waves, get a board for an hour session in the AM, ride/get thumped until we were exhausted (yep, about an hour), catch a great brunch somewhere in town, head back to the casita, pass out, wake up, get an afternoon session in, shower up, head out for a sunset viewing (see above picture), get a good buzz on, fall asleep, wake up at 3AM to roosters, mating cats, rowdy dogs, and pass in and out of unconsciousness until 9am, where we hit the repeat button. It was like a very good version of Groundhog Day.

The week started out out with some _thumping_ waves, steep, big (overhead), fast, and relentless. Not good for a guy who hasn't been surfing for 6 years :) And poor Jay was getting hammered out there. Of course, this is nothing compared to ultra running or an ironman, so he was just having a good time. After 3 days of getting cleaned, the next 3 days were good for the soul. The waves backed off, built more slowly, and broke predictably. I know that an experienced surfer would have been thriving in the first three days, but it was an ass kicking, in the funnest sense of the word.

After the waves backed off, our senses were so ninja honed by the steep and fast sets of the past couple of days, that riding the mellower waves was deliciously easy. I can't actually describe what riding a wave feels like, other than timeless. Wait. Let me try:

When it all goes right, I see the wave coming, I'm in the right spot, the wave picks me up and I slide down the face. I'm arching back and paddling, putting all of my weight in my belly to make sure the board doesn't pearl or fall off the back of the wave (this is where my natural weight distribution may have favored me :) The board starts to glide faster and something inside of me says to stand up, so I do. Then, I'm moving across the face of the wave. I hear a slight ripping sound as the wave breaks behind me and to my side. For that brief moment everything stops and I'm standing there, and the world moves around me. I ride the face of the wave, it's better than the deepest endless pow day in the mountains because it's truly bottomless. Sometimes I ride past, between, around people, they all smile up at me, they know the stoke. Then it's over. All sound comes back, the wave is done, it's time to kick out, or just fall off the board, so I do. I paddle back out, and wait for the next one.

I love the vibe around Sayulita. The people are extremely friendly. They take my hacked up Spanish and body language and make the best of it. We rented our boards from Sayulita Surf Camp, which is a bunch of local hardcore surfers trying to make a go of it. It felt good to support locals, and they were very, very cool to us.

Coming back has been rough. I picked up a cold before I went down, and the January water temp and cold air temp (down to mid 50s at night and in the am) didn't help. I also picked up a bit of a stomach virus, ironically by eating fast food in the airport. And then I spent a week in lame ass Santa Clara at the Strata Conference, a great conference where I didn't get outside for 3 days because the information inside was so good (I'm not being sarcastic, it was a kickass conference).

Sometimes I wonder if I should actually figure out a way to head down there instead of grinding it out up here. I don't know. I might get bored in paradise. I have this mental itch that needs scratching, quite a bit. Oh, and then there's the family....they've got a life up here, I cant just change it up like that and assume they are on board. But I do want to get down there again with Lopa and the kids. Maybe when they're a little older, so she won't be so stressed about everything going perfect.

There. That's all my thoughts for now. Other than the fact that I haven't run for about 3 weeks, have put on about 5 lbs of goo from eating conference food, and am still working some crud out of my lungs. The next month is going to be all about rebuilding. But it was so, so worth it!