Wednesday, April 21, 2010

TD 4/21

Got up this AM all stoked for a run, but it was raining. Almost went back to bed when I realized that I could actually swim instead of run.

500 yd warmup
3x100 yard form intervals with fist gloves
3x100 yard standard swim, working on bilateral breathing
200 yds easy, swimming breastroke when my form went south.

I'm still coming up the curve on the swimming thing, as this is my 3rd swim this year. The bilateral breathing thing is coming along, but I start to thrash when I get tired and it's one vicious cycle from there on in. Also, when I'm going pretty hard, breathing every other stroke doesn't quite cut it.

Pool work is pretty important, and I've got to get my shit together before june 5. However, I'll be happy simply improving my form and comfort level and not worrying about speed until I can swim 500 yards with good, bilateral breathing, easy floating and gliding form.

Breakfast: 2 slices toast, 1 coffee, 1 protein drink
Lunch: gnarly chinese food (free lunch Weds), diet coke
Snack: 2 oranges
Dinner: 2 cheese and mushroom quesadillas.
Dessert (!) 1 ice cream bar. My willpower was sapped by the hard day at the office :)

In other news Kiran's test results have come back and he's qualified to take the COGAT one more time. The first time they pulled him in on a day he wasn't supposed to take it and he wasn't prepared at all. This time he'll be ready, and his test taking has gotten better. He's so much like me, spacey, that is, and I worry that it's going to get in his way, like it has for me. But he's got a lot better support than I did, so maybe he'll do OK. I have to keep reminding myself that he's eight, not eighteen, and if I can turn things around, so can he.

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